Published 2013.01.07 in
An Open Mind?
In a long overdue move Al Gore and his partner Joel Hyatt cashed out Current, a non-starter cable channel for lefties (a role already more than adequately filled by MSNBC). They have been trying to unload this turkey for years. Qatar owned Al Jazeera, the Middle East news network paid an astonishing five hundred million for Current. The network never had more than a handful of viewers; however, it does have distribution deals with most all of the sources where folks pick up cable content. Al Jazeera has worked to gain a spot on cable for its English broadcasts, so we can assume that’s what they ponied up a half-billion dollars for, Current’s cable slots.
The ink was barely dry on this deal when Time Warner,
the number two cable company in the US, announced they
were dumping Current. They gave no reason and say they
have an “open mind” on returning the channel to Al
Jazeera, a claim that is pretty hard to swallow. A case of
Islamophobia seems a much more likely reason. Violent
opposition to Al Jazeera by the Bush administration
spooked the cable operators and reinforced their
unwarranted bias against anything with the slightest
connection to Islam. If bias concerns Time Warner, they
obviously have not been watching Current or any number
of other channels in their line-up.
Time Warner used a clause in the Current agreement that
allowed them to dump the network if it was sold. Some
have suggested that the cable giant took the “out” as a
negotiating tactic to cut a better deal. Given the logistics
involved –you don’t just flip a switch to take a channel
down– that seems unlikely. Besides, a threat of a cut-off is
a much more effective negotiating tool. Shame on Time
Warner; there is no more reason to block Al Jazeera than
BBC America. With the thousands of channels Time
Warner offers subscribers, there is surely room to retain
the space Current occupies. It’s not like anyone is going to
be forced to watch Al Jazeera, it just should be available.
Al Jazeera’s plan to convert Current to Al Jazeera America
sounds interesting to any open-minded individual or
organization, as Time Warner claims to be. The plan calls
for as many as ten bureaus in the country, up from the five
they now have, and as many as 300 staffers. Just the
potential for them to offer coverage of more than major
happenings in America to the people of the Middle East is
more than enough reason to encourage their growth.
While the First Amendment applies only to government
interference with speech and the press, the spirit of that
guardian of the people’s right to know should lead Time
Warner to do the right thing, the ethical thing. Knock off
this nonsense and offer Al Jazeera to your customers.
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