Published in 2013.04.25
In study after study there is nothing to support the idea
that “C” Suite occupants are irreplaceable. There’s an occasional example of a
corporate leader’s departure negatively impacting a company’s performance:
Steve Jobs’s voluntary ten-year absence from Apple left the company
floundering; the jury is out at this point following his death in the fall of
2011 but the company is certainly not going to collapse. However, in all but a
few cases there is an able individual in the wings ready to take over.
That makes a Department of Justice decision to give HSBC a
get-out-of-jail-free card so outrageous. Listen to Attorney General Eric Holder
earlier this month (2013.03.08) before a Senate Committee: "I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions
becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we
are hit with indications that if we do prosecute -- if we do bring a criminal
charge -- it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even
the world economy," How dumb is that? What an insult to the tens of
thousands of honest HSBC people to imagine that there are not lots of capable executives
at HSBC who could step into the shoes of the boneheads who have turned an
international financial giant into a gigantic criminal enterprise.
Let’s review: HSBC laundered carloads of money for the
Sinaloa Drug Cartel, who are reported to have murdered thousands of people. HSBC
created shams to help North Korea,
and others beat sanctions. HSBC financed Al Qaeda and a wide range of terrorist
organizations along with mobsters in Russia, and they provided good old tax
cheats a place to stash their earnings. That’s just a smattering of the flat-out
criminal activity at HSBC. And the DOJ is letting them get away with it? Just
have coffee in the same coffee shop as a terrorist and you’ll be grilled by the
FBI. And HSBC gets a pass? Unbelievable!
Where does Holder think the “indications” of worldwide
economic collapse if we jail these crooks is coming from? From the same HSBC
lobbyists who pour bucks into the pockets of members of the Congress.
Fortunately there are a few on the hill who are willing to stand up to these crooks,
Carl Levin and Elizabeth Warren among others. Still, one estimate of support in
the Senate for a break-up of the monster banks sees fewer than forty votes. Can
you imagine how few members of the House would support such an action?
Everyone knows that’s what’s needed. The Dallas Fed chairman
and at least one other Fed Board member have documented the need to break up
the too-big-to-fail banks. These banks are the real threat to the world’s
economic health. And until we treat criminal banksters for what they are,
crooks, and put them in jail where crooks belong, they are going to keep right
on breaking the law and risking another crash with their roulette wheel style
of banking. Why not, when the top law enforcement officer in the United States
gives them a pass?