Published in 2013.08.08
Anything Goes
The Monster Banks’ best investment over the last few decades
has been the tens of millions they poured into the pockets of the Congress
through their “K” Street lobbyists. It paid off, billions in profits that come
right out of the pockets of every American. The bankers’ big score was the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999,
AKA the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act
(GLB) named for three members of
our Congress who giggled all the way to their banks.
GLB gutted the Glass/Steagall Act; legislation written in
the early 1930s limiting banks to the business of banking: taking deposits,
making loans, supporting our economy. As a reward we agreed to insure the money
of the bank’s depositors, so that should the bank go bust, the money you had in
the bank would be safe (up to $10,000). GLB took down the fences, but left the
taxpayers on the hook should the banks fail.
That and another gift from Congress, a law exempting Wall Street
from gambling laws, opened the door to the crazy stuff that drove our economy
off the cliff. The Monster Banks could use your deposits to bet on almost
anything, always backed by America’s
taxpayers. There are less than a dozen banks in this arena, the To-Big-To-Fail
(TBTF) banks that we bailed out when the derivative fueled house of cards they
created collapsed. Your corner neighborhood bank didn’t play this game. Unfortunately
they suffered along with the rest of us, worse because the TBTF banks buoyed by
gambling profits held a competitive edge.
The TBTF Monster Banks are right back at it. Taking zero
interest bucks from the Fed to gamble instead of investing in our economy.
There’s a new game in town, commodities. Ten years ago the TBTF Banks got the
Federal Reserve to set up a “Temporary” ruling allowing them to deal in
commodities. When their mortgage game evaporated, the Monster Banks jumped into
this marketplace. With all the free money at their disposal they bought grain
and oil, even oil wells and tankers. They are into power, manipulating your
electric bill, Enron redux.
Metals -steel, aluminum, copper- all commodity markets they
can manipulate; a buck on a new car, a few pennies on a cell phone, a tenth of
a penny on your soft drink can. Goldman Sachs, the mother of all TBTF Monster
Banks, owns a couple dozen warehouses in Detroit
full of aluminum bars. They shuffle them around from one warehouse to another
in a dance that allows them to circumvent the law and jack up the cost of aluminum.
Anything goes, ethics walks the plank.
The “Temporary” commodity games regulations expire next
month. The Monster Banks are working hard to extend it. It better not happen. More
important, we must get these banks out of the other gambling halls we have
allowed them to create. We have to stop this nonsense and cut these big banks -quite
literally- down to size. If we fail, it’s just a matter of time until we have
to bail them out again.
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